Monday, December 12, 2011

How do you make an artist nickname for yourself?

I am an artist and have the most trouble giving myself an "artist nickname" you know, something fun and weird to sign my artwork with or to be known by when they see my work. I can't seem to stick with anything good or that's not already taken. any ideas on how I can think of one and stick to it? I didn't have a lotta nicknames cuz my name's Julie.. bout the only thing is usually Jewels.|||While its great if your name is simple and memorable, but some may have names that are too common or just plain tongue-twisters. Especially if you plan to sell your art you want something people will easily recognize.

It doesn't have to be a 'nickname' per se. Perhaps just an addendum to your first or last name, or a total nome de plume. It can be as simple as "Julie Bell". Easy to remember, easy to say, and it keeps her from getting mixed up with her husband.

Maybe pick something related to your art. Say if you draw alot of landscapes name yourself after a tree or a flower, but its not always a good idea to limit yourself like that.

If you want a nickname related to your name ... um... maybe Caius Or Ivlia. Caius (alt spelling Gaius). That's the given name of Julius Ceasar who, yes, had a daughter named Julia.(in Latin spelled ivlia).

Then there's always using the word for jewel (or specific jewels) in different languages. For example, look up Kanju.|||What makes you think you even NEED an "artist's nickname?" I suggest that you have enough pride in your work that you'd WANT your real name attached to it.

Think about all the famous artists you have ever heard of. How many used "nicknames" to sign their work?

"Vinny" van Gogh?

"Leo, the Lip" da Vinci

Rembrandt "The Rambler" van Rihn.

"Solly" Dali.

"Pebbles" Picasso

Andy "Wart Face" Warhol

"Digger" Degas

"Too, Too Loose" Latrec|||Why do you even want to do this? A nickname isn't something you give's something that just happens because your family or friends start calling you by it for some good reason. What you're trying to do is artificial, and that's why you're having so much trouble. Just sign your real name. The time will come when that's what you want people to remember anyway.|||My advice would be, unless there is a very famous artist with the same name as you, to stick to your own name.

You really don't need an 'artist nickname' in fact, i've barley heard of any great artists using one.

You should be recognized for your art, not your signature.

hope i helped.|||Allow the idea of letting your work speak for itself to swim around in your head for a bit and maybe youll be blessed with something you can hang your hat on in a nickname.|||Use your first pet's name that you can remember from when you were a child for your first name. And your mother's maiden name for your last name. Mine would be " Ginger Kennedy ", Ha Ha !|||Favorite Food plus Favorite animal:

Cheese Hawk

Lion Steak

Carrot Shark|||i like jewels :] u have to work on ur signature..wen i was in art teacher told me tht some pple make there names into a u could write jewels into the shape of a triangle..ect :3

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